Your Brand's Reputation Saftey Net

With the emergence of AI and the power of social media, it only takes one negative narrative to tarnish your brand's image—or one missed narrative to lose out to your competition. Stay ahead with PeakMetrics.


"90% of executives rank reputation as the most significant risk area for companies."


The benefits of PeakMetrics

Our narrative intelligence platform acts as your reputation safety net, proactively combating online threats and alerting you to relevant narratives across your industry and competitive landscape.

Real-Time Narrative Identification

Get ML-powered narrative identification around your organization, leaders, industry, and competition.

Early Threat Detection

Stay ahead of threats with our advanced monitoring tools. Our platform detects emerging threats before they escalate, assigning them a “threat score” to guide action plans.

Comprehensive Coverage

Monitor millions of sources across social media, broadcast, online news, blogs and podcasts to ensure you have a complete understanding of the landscape.

Strategic Guidance

Receive in-depth analysis and strategic guidance from our team of reputation management experts to navigate challenging situations effectively.

Reputation Readouts

When done well, reputation work can go unnoticed. PeakMetrics quantifies your efforts so you can showcase your impact and successes to stakeholders.

Don't wait until it's too late.

Protect your brand reputation with PeakMetrics’ narrative intelligence.